Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pix of the truck - and a prayer request

Well, here it is.  The insurance representative working on it wrote:
I called the phone number for the other person’s insurance company and they could not locate a policy for him. I ran the VIN and only found the vehicle was impounded several years ago. It looks like the person who was driving the other car is uninsured. I would suggest that you move your car so you will not incur any further storage fees. If the other driver is in fact uninsured you can file an uninsured motorist bodily injury claim for Scott under your policy.

Please pray for revelation of the other driver's info.  God is in control, hallelujah!

Thank God for His protection!


  1. wow. That still strikes me as incredible that no one was hurt. just proves the fact that God has his angels surrounding us. I'll pray for the driver's info to come out.

  2. Thanks Tyler. Prayer is the only thing that works, for sure. We are all lost without God out there providing guidance, 4 SURE!
